Séminaire des doctorants
Responsables : Martin Desombre et Xavier Lhebard
La liste des anciens responsables est disponible sur cette page.
Liste des exposés de 2018
Mercerdi 12 décembre 2018
Feriel Bounhadjera (ulco)
{{Nonparametric relative error estimation of regression function for censored data}}
We built a new kernel estimator of the mean squared relative error of the regression function for censored data and we establish the uniform almost sure convergence with rate over a compact set and its asymptotic normality.
15:30 - 16:30 C101
Vendredi 30 novembre 2018
Munkhegerel Tsegmid (ulco)
{{Modeling underground flow in shallow aquifer}}
In this work, we present a class of simplified models which describe the water flow in shallow aquifers. They are an alternative to the 3D-Richards model which is classically used in this kind of porous media. The idea of the models is to couple the two kind of dominant flows holding when the ratio deepness/largeness of the aquifer is small. The
first one is dominant in a small time scale and is described by a vertical 1d-Richards problem. The second one appears in a long time scale. It is a 2D problem which describes the evolution of the hydraulic
head which turns to be constant with respect to the vertical variable. Moreover, each model of the class is characterized by an artificial level which the Dupuit hypothesis is made (i.e. the vertical flow is instantaneous). We prove formally by using asymptotic expansions that the 3d-Richards problem and each model of the class lead exactly to the
same effective problem, and this at every considered time scale (short and long). We also present numerical simulations to compare several models of the class and the original 3d-Richards problem.
15:45 - 16:45 C105
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