Séminaire des doctorants
Responsables : Martin Desombre et Xavier Lhebard
La liste des anciens responsables est disponible sur cette page.
Liste des exposés de 2020
Mardi 3 mars 2020
Fatima Bouyghf (LMPA)
Séminaire des doctorants
14:30 - 15:30 C201
Mercerdi 12 février 2020
Arij Benkhadra (LMPA, Calais)
Titre : Introduction à la théorie des catégories enrichies
Abstract :
The theory of categories was first set, in 1945, by S. Eilenberg and S. MacLane as " a technical background for the intuitive notion of naturality" providing "opportunities for the comparison of constructions in different branches of mathematics". Later, the development of this theory led to categories enriched over a monoidal/closed category by J. Bénabou(1963) and S.Eilenberg and M.Kelly (1966). But it was B. Lawvere (1973), with its deep insights and convincing examples (posets, metric spaces) that made enriched categories part of the working mathematician's toolbox.
This presentation aims to provide a gentle introduction to the basic notions of quantaloid-enriched categories. We will discuss the main definitions and properties, always keeping in mind several examples from topology ( metric-like spaces...) and theory is gets (posets...)
14:00 - 15:00 Amphi Mahammad, Batiment poincaré
Jeudi 30 janvier 2020
Ayoub Harrat ()
Introduction au problème du moment tronqué (II)
15:30 - 16:30 C202
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