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Liste des publications de 2021
- Convergence acceleration of iterative sequences for equilibrium chemistry computations ( ), In Computational Geosciences, 2021. [hal-lmpa]
- Finite-time stabilization of an overhead crane with a flexible cable submitted to an affine tension ( ), In ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var., volume 27, 2021. [hal-lmpa]
- Sensitivity of the Solution to Nonsymmetric Differential Matrix Riccati Equation ( ), In Mathematics, volume 9, 2021. [hal]
- Tensor extrapolation methods with applications ( ), In Numer. Algorithms, volume 87, 2021. [hal]
- A variational approach to relativistic fluid balls ( ), In Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations, volume 60, 2021. [hal-lmpa]
- Stability of finite difference schemes approximation for hyperbolic boundary value problems in an interval ( ), In Mathematics of Computation, American Mathematical Society (AMS), 2021. [hal-lmpa]
- WKB expansions for weakly well-posed hyperbolic boundary value problems in a strip: Time depending loss of derivatives ( ), In Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations, World Scientific Pub Co Pte Ltd, volume 18, 2021. [hal-lmpa]
- Shifted extended global Lanczos processes for trace estimation with application to network analysis ( ), In Calcolo, volume 58, 2021. [hal]
- Gotzmann monomials in four variables ( ), In Rev. Un. Mat. Argentina, volume 62, 2021. [hal-lmpa]
- Nonparametric local linear estimation of the relative error regression function for twice censored data ( ), In Statistics & Probability Letters, volume 178, 2021. [hal-lmpa]
- Asymptotic normality of the relative error regression function estimator for censored and time series data: ( ), In Dependence Modeling, volume 9, 2021. [hal]
- A note on the categorical notions of normal subobject and of equivalence class ( ), In Theory Appl. Categ., volume 36, 2021.
- A remarkable aspect of internal groupoids in regular Mal'tsev categories ( ), In Theory Appl. Categ., volume 37, 2021.
- Mal'tsev and Lawvere functors ( ), In Quaest. Math., volume 44, 2021. [hal]
- On the naturalness of Mal'tsev categories ( ), Chapter in Joachim Lambek: the interplay of mathematics, logic, and linguistics, Springer, Cham, volume 20, [2021] copyright 2021.
- A Mal'tsev glance at the fibration $(\,)_0:Cat\Bbb E\to\Bbb E$ of internal categories ( ), In Cah. Topol. Géom. Différ. Catég., volume 62, 2021.
- Split epimorphisms as a productive tool in universal algebra ( ), In Algebra Universalis, volume 82, 2021. [hal]
- Asymptotic behavior of large eigenvalues of the two-photon Rabi model ( ), Chapter in Schrödinger operators, spectral analysis and number theory, Springer, Cham, volume 348, 2021. [hal-lmpa]
- Oscillatory behavior of large eigenvalues in quantum Rabi models ( ), In Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, 2021. [hal-lmpa]
- Well posedness of general cross-diffusion systems ( ), In Journal of Differential Equations, volume 300, 2021. [hal-lmpa]
- The convergence of certain Diophantine series ( ), In J. Number Theory, volume 229, 2021. [hal-lmpa]
- Perturbation series for Jacobi matrices and the quantum Rabi model ( ), In Opuscula Math., volume 41, 2021. [hal-lmpa]
- A computational method for model reduction in index-2 dynamical systems for Stokes equations ( ), In Comput. Math. Appl., volume 99, 2021. [hal]
- Positive and sign-changing solutions for a quasilinear Steklov nonlinear boundary problem with critical growth ( ), In NoDEA Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl., volume 28, 2021. [hal-lmpa]
- Adaptive wavelet schemes and finite volumes ( ), Chapter in CEMRACS 2019—geophysical fluids, gravity flows, EDP Sci., Les Ulis, volume 70, 2021. [hal]
- $L^p$-estimates of the Stokes resolvent with nonhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions in 3D exterior domains ( ), In Math. Methods Appl. Sci., volume 44, 2021. [hal]
- Spatial asymptotics of mild solutions to the time-dependent Oseen system ( ), In Commun. Pure Appl. Anal., volume 20, 2021. [hal-lmpa]
- Artificial boundary conditions for linearized stationary incompressible viscous flow around rotating and translating body ( ), In Math. Nachr., volume 294, 2021. [hal-lmpa]
- The 3D time-dependent Oseen system: link between $L^p$-integrability in time and pointwise decay in space of the velocity ( ), In J. Math. Fluid Mech., volume 23, 2021. [hal]
- Erratum: Limiting properties of the distribution of primes in an arbitrarily large number of residue classes ( ), In Canad. Math. Bull., volume 64, 2021.
- Chebyshev's bias for products of irreducible polynomials ( ), In Advances in Mathematics, volume 392, 2021. [hal-lmpa]
- On tensor GMRES and Golub-Kahan methods via the T-product for color image processing ( ), In Electron. J. Linear Algebra, volume 37, 2021.
- Discrete cosine transform LSQR methods for multidimensional ill-posed problems ( ), In Journal of Mathematical Modeling, University of Guilan, volume , 2021. [hal]
- Construction of a preconditioner for general elliptic problems using Riesz map ( ), In Int. J. Comput. Methods, volume 18, 2021. [hal]
- On restarted and deflated block FOM and GMRES methods for sequences of shifted linear systems ( ), In Numer. Algorithms, volume 87, 2021. [hal-lmpa]
- The Schur degree of additive sets ( ), In Discrete Math., volume 344, 2021. [hal-lmpa]
- On numerical semigroups with at most 12 left elements ( ), In Comm. Algebra, volume 49, 2021. [hal-lmpa]
- Frequent universality criterion and densities ( ), In Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems, volume 41, 2021. [hal-lmpa]
- $\mathcal{U}$-frequent hypercyclicity notions and related weighted densities ( ), In Israel Journal of Mathematics, volume 241, 2021. [hal-lmpa]
- Algebraic structures on typed decorated rooted trees ( ), In SIGMA Symmetry Integrability Geom. Methods Appl., volume 17, 2021. [hal-lmpa]
- Chromatic polynomials and bialgebras of graphs ( ), In Int. Electron. J. Algebra, volume 30, 2021. [hal-lmpa]
- Typed binary trees and generalized dendrifom algebras ( ), In J. Algebra, volume 586, 2021. [hal-lmpa]
- Experiments on growth series of braid groups ( ), In Journal of Algebra, volume 607, 2022, Special Issue dedicated to P. Dehornoy. [hal-lmpa]
- Computations of general Heun functions from their integral series representations ( ), In 2021 Days on Diffraction (DD), volume , 2021. [hal-lmpa]
- Tridiagonalization of systems of coupled linear differential equations with variable coefficients by a Lanczos-like method ( ), In Linear Algebra and its Applications, volume 624, 2021. [hal-lmpa]
- Counting walks by their last erased self-avoiding polygons using sieves ( ), In Discrete Math., volume 344, 2021. [hal-lmpa]
- Null controllability of the structurally damped wave equation on the two-dimensional torus ( ), In SIAM J. Control Optim., volume 59, 2021. [hal]
- A Multidimensional Principal Component Analysis via the C-Product Golub–Kahan–SVD for Classification and Face Recognition ( ), In Mathematics, volume 9, 2021. [hal]
- Equivalent classes of degree sequences for triangulated polyhedra and their convex realization ( ), In Contrib. Discrete Math., volume 16, 2021. [hal-lmpa]
- The extended global Lanczos method, Gauss-Radau quadrature, and matrix function approximation ( ), In J. Comput. Appl. Math., volume 381, 2021. [hal]
- Uniform consistency in number of neighbors of the $k$NN estimator of the conditional quantile model ( ), In Metrika, volume 84, 2021. [hal]
- Krylov subspace solvers for ℓ1 regularized logistic regression method ( ), In Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, Taylor & Francis, volume 0, 2021. [hal]
- Application of Padé approximation to Euler's constant and Stirling's formula ( ), In Ramanujan J., volume 54, 2021. [hal-lmpa]
- Diagonal convergence of the remainder Padé approximants for the Hurwitz zeta function ( ), In J. Number Theory, volume 222, 2021. [hal-lmpa]