Laboratoire de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées
Joseph Liouville


17 publications jean-fromentin

  1. A verification of Wilf's conjecture up to genus 100 (, and ), In Journal of Algebra, . [url] [doi][hal]
  2. Realizable cycle structures in digraphs (, and ), In European Journal of Combinatorics, volume 113, . [url] [doi][hal-lmpa]
  3. Is the Syracuse Falling Time Bounded by 12? (, and ), In Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory V (Nathanson, Melvyn B., ed.), Springer International Publishing, . [url][hal-lmpa]
  4. Experiments on growth series of braid groups (), In Journal of Algebra, volume 607, , Special Issue dedicated to P. Dehornoy. [url] [doi][hal-lmpa]
  5. Gapsets and numerical semigroups ( and ), In J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, volume 169, . [url] [doi][hal-lmpa]
  6. Gapsets of small multiplicity ( and ), Chapter in Numerical semigroups, Springer, Cham, volume 40, . [url] [doi][hal-lmpa]
  7. Near-misses in Wilf's conjecture ( and ), In Semigroup Forum, volume 98, . [url] [doi][hal-lmpa]
  8. Are monochromatic Pythagorean triples unavoidable under morphic colorings? (, , and ), In Exp. Math., volume 27, . [url] [doi][hal-lmpa]
  9. The rotating normal form of braids is regular (), In J. Algebra, volume 501, . [url] [doi][hal-lmpa]
  10. A remarkable 20-crossing tangle ( and ), In J. Knot Theory Ramifications, volume 26, . [url] [doi][hal-lmpa]
  11. A divisibility result in combinatorics of generalized braids ( and ), In J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, volume 152, . [url] [doi][hal-lmpa]
  12. Exploring the tree of numerical semigroups ( and ), In Math. Comp., volume 85, . [url] [doi][hal-lmpa]
  13. Investigating Monte-Carlo methods on the weak Schur problem (, , , , and ), Chapter in Evolutionary computation in combinatorial optimization, Springer, Heidelberg, volume 7832, . [url] [doi][hal-lmpa]
  14. A simple algorithm for finding short sigma-definite representatives ( and ), In J. Algebra, volume 350, . [url] [doi][hal-lmpa]
  15. Every braid admits a short sigma-definite expression (), In J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS), volume 13, . [url] [doi][hal]
  16. The well-ordering of dual braid monoid (), In J. Knot Theory Ramifications, volume 19, . [url] [doi][hal]
  17. A well-ordering of dual braid monoids (), In C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris, volume 346, . [url] [doi][hal]

Cette semaine

Séminaire ADA

Groupe de travail IA

Séminaire des doctorants