Laboratoire de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées
Joseph Liouville


Équipe ADA

  • A disitributed algorithm to explore trimmed tree of numerical semigroup (2023) [github] :

    Used in Manuel Delgado, Shalom Eliahou and Jean Fromentin, A verification of Wilf's conjecture up to genus 100 . [hal]

  • Compute growth series of braids (2022) [github] :

    Published in Jean Fromentin, Experiments on growth series of braid groups, J. of Algebra 607, part B, 232-259. [hal]

  • Python computations for general Heun functions (2021) [github] :

    Published in Tolga Birkandan, Pierre-Louis Giscard and Aditya Tamar. Python computations of general Heun functions from their integral series representations. Conference Days on Diffraction 2021, proceedings to appear.

  • Computing the number of numerical semigroups of a given genus (2016) [github] :

    Published in Jean Fromentin and Florent Hivert. 2016. Exploring the tree of numerical semigroups. Math. Comput. 85, 301 (2016), 2553–2568. [hal]

Équipe EMA

  • Riccati Feedback Stabilisation [gitlab] :

    Riccati_feedback_stabilization_using_Extended_Arnoldi_method is a MATLAB program in which we solve two problems : the first concerns the construction of an efficient reduced system of the original DAE system using a projection technique onto an extended block Krylov subspace. The second problem concerns the solution of a Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) problem based on a Riccati feedback approach using numerical solutions of large-scale algebraic Riccati equations. Authors (M.A. Hamadi, K. Jbilou and A. Ratnani).

  • Solving Large Scale CAREs [gitlab] :

    Extended_BlArnoldi_Riccati is a Matlab package for solving large-scale Continuous and Discrete time matrix Riccati equations with low rank right-hand sides. The software and the manual is available, as well as some additional functions that provide good functionality. It also includes sole problem tests such as models from IMTEX (authors : M. Heyouni and K. Jbilou).

  • Model Order Reduction for Multilinear Time-Invariant (MLTI) systems [gitlab]:

    This MATLAB program focuses on Model Order Reduction for Multilinear Time-Invariant (MLTI) systems, employing projection techniques through both tensor classic and extended Krylov subspaces (authors : M.A. Hamadi, K. Jbilou and A. Ratnani).

  • Large-scale discrete Lyapunov tensor equations [gitlab]:

    This MATLAB program is designed to solve large-scale discrete Lyapunov tensor equations. We employ projection methods based on tensor Krylov subspaces, specifically the tensor classic and extended Krylov subspaces through the block and global processes (authors : M.A. Hamadi, K. Jbilou and A. Ratnani).

Les logiciels sont progressivement transférés sur la plateforme GitLab. Ils seront diponibles à l'adresse https://gitlab.com/lmpa.

Cette semaine

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Chaire de professeur junior


30/09 : Arith. Plat Pays